So this past week and a few days last week Cooper has been having a really rough time. It has been probably at least 3 months or so since he has cried for Tyrel. Crying for Tyrel always comes with extreme acting out. (Funny how this happens just as I am making a goal to not yell with anger at my children!) The first couple days he was behaving normal just crying for Tyrel a lot at night and crying pretty much off and on all afternoon after Tyrel left on Sunday. Also starting Sunday until today (thursday) no respect for all the rules. I stayed patient, but firm and exercised all forms of discipline. Time-out, spanking, shut in his room, tv off, grounding from gum. I was exhausted with options, but knew I had to stay firm, even though I know he is having a hard time. I knew I couldn't let him get away with his behavior, but at the same time wish I could cheer him up or making him feel better or help him express what is wrong to get his frustrations out. I mean I know how he feels, I have down days where I can't take Tyrel's traveling anymore, but know it will be over soon. Anyways this morning I was at the end of my ropes with options and even Cooper kept saying "I don't know why I am being so mean mom". Then it hit me I told Cooper if he wanted help to be good he should say a prayer and ask Heavenly Father to help him be good and feel better. So Cooper thought that sounded good and did so. The rest of the day so far has been amazing. We have been having fun and if he starts to get in trouble he stops immediately and says sorry and even at lunch he says to me "mom, my prayer worked I am happy!" I am so grateful for prayers and having a moment to teach Cooper how prayers work. I am grateful also for working on staying patient because I know that idea would have not come to me if I would have been mean to Cooper during all this. I have been so grateful for seeing the Lords hand in my life the past two weeks. Without listening to the still small voice I know these last two weeks would have been very hard on me and hard on Tyrel because I would have been complaining to him, but instead I was able to stay calm and report to Tyrel that things have been hard for Cooper, but under control.
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