So I can't believe that not only is Trip trying really hard to crawl. He now has his first tooth. He was drooling and chewing on everything, which I thought was normal because Cooper always drooled, so I didn't think anything of it. The only change Trip had in the past week is that his has been waking up every 3 hours to eat, but happy as can be. Then all of a sudden on Wed before Thanksgiving I noticed two bumps on his bottoms gums and sure enough Saturday morning one of the two teeth had broken through! Then Saturday night he slept great just waking up once. Then last night he was back to waking up a few times, so he must be working on that other tooth!! How crazy. As much as I know each kid is going to be different I am still in shock that Trip is doing these miles stones quite a bit earlier than Cooper. Cooper I think was 9 1/2 months when he got his 1st tooth. So we will see how long I keep nursing. Trip is not a good nurser now, who knows how bad he will get with teeth. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.
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3 years ago
That is fast! Jayton still has no teeth - no signs of them either. A few weeks ago all he had was a little swollen place & now nothing. Cute family picture.
Isaac got his first tooth about 1 month ago too. He was 5 1/2 months then. They are growing so fast!
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