Monday, December 1, 2008


Thanksgiving was with my side of the family this year and I had the pleasure of having it at my house. It was so much fun. I loved hosting it, especially when I just let it go that my house was messy messy. The mess was worth it!! It was fun to be doing all the cooking and organizing with plenty of help from everyone. I was so excited that my Turkey turned out yummy and Tyrel did an amazing job of carving it!! We had 23 people here for the special occasion. 11 adults and 12 kids! I am happy to report no major injuries and no major damages!! The only hicup was the stomach flu that got passed around, but no one had it Thanksgiving day. On Friday my brother-in-law Walt and Tyrel took 6 of the kids on a fun hike while me and my two sister's with the three younger kids went to two stores real quick. The kids loved the hike, they even saw a tarantula. Tyrel even said Cooper pretty much hiked the 1.2 miles in and half of it's up a steep hill. Then he hiked the whole way out except for part of the way down the hill. Then on Friday Tyrel's parents stopped by on their way to see Tyrel's sister and Troy brought his little 4-wheeler that he bought for the grandkids. Sarah's kids got to all ride and Cooper even learned to drive it himself with Tyrel close by to grab the brake if need be. We all had a blast playing games, eating food, and watching football. I was sad to see the weekend end. Now it's Monday and I have the stomach flu and Cooper has it again, so we are all just laying in our pj's recovering and me preparing to tackle cleaning my house again!!


The Archuleta's said...

Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. I love the holidays and spending time with family. I love your family picture so cute!

Kim Wennerlind said...

I really like your house!! It is decorated very cute!! Good to see pics of your family too!! Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!! Love all the pics!! Can you change my email address to view your blog to Thanks

Kathy’s Korner said...

What great times, it takes me back a generation! Love ya lots!