Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cooper Get's Baptized July 2014

My first child to turn 8!!  He only got baptized a month after he turned 8 but I swear it was rescheduled about 3 times. Between wedding, reunion, all-star baseball, and a wedding open house we finally found a day all to himself that he could get baptized.  It was a wonderful day of family and friends.  Cooper was so excited to get baptized and took it very seriously.  He said after he was baptized and getting dressed again his eyes watered a little bit as he felt the spirit.  Makes me so proud that he understood the basics of what he did and still tries his hard to choose the right.  He bore his testimony the other day and started crying saying that when Ryder cries while I am trying to make dinner it's really hard to want to hold him to help out, but when he does he feels the Holy Ghost and helps bring it into the house!! So proud of him and blessed to have him in our family.  I even had strep throat a couple months ago and was super sick running a high fever of 103.3 and everytime I need help he hopped right up to do it.  He even got everyone their dinner even if it was cereal!!  He never once complained about having to do something for him in the 3 days I was sick.