I have been trying to fight this cold of sinus infection, canker sores in the back of my mouth, and coughing all night with no sleep so I decided Monday I would do nothing but rest so I could get rid of it. Apparently a Do Nothing Day for a mom still consists of laundry (somehow my kids were out of underwear when I just did laundry Thursday), feeding kids three meals, moving sprinklers, keeping my house picked up, running to town because State Farm needed something from me, watering my garden, visiting a family who is moving in my ward, and getting the slip n slide out for my kids!! Yikes if that was My Do Nothing Day, I am in for it today now that I have stuff to get done! Actually my friend volunteered to watch my kids all morning so I could finished my craft stuff for the craft fair this weekend!! All you mom's out there are awesome, even when we are trying to do nothing we are doing a million things!!
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3 years ago
So true! When my husband has a "sick day" he doesn't ever leave bed. My "sick days" are ridiculously more productive.
Oh, and the fireworks we set off weren't exactly legal... but at least two cop cars drove by and they seemed to just be enjoying the show :)
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