Saturday, December 11, 2010

Catch up!

I took this picture the other day because Peyton was so sick and it was so sad! She was running a fever and throwing up and I had to put her down for a second and instead of crying she just tried to crawl to me and after a few step just layed on the floor!! I know I am a mean mom for stopping to take a picture, but it was so sad!!

At Thanksgiving Cooper came into my sister's house and said hey mom watch me ride a two wheel bike and sure enough he taught himself how to ride a two wheeler!! One less thing for me do! Now he's cruisin.

Well I thought I would do a few posts to catch up before Christmas starts. November to now has been busy!! So enjoy and I will post again after the craziness of Christmas is over!!


Kacey Nielsen said...

Your kids are so much tougher than mine. NO WAY would Scarlet even consider approaching a bike without training wheels.

Oh and I am so in love with your gingerbread house! Completely and totally impressed.