Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well on Sunday we just got back from going to Alaska with Tyrel's family. We stayed at a fishing lodge. The guys went on 4 fishing trips and caught over 500Ib of just meat. Which is kind of funny because no one in the family really likes fish. They did two deep sea fishing trips and two fresh water trips. They caught silver salmon, halibut, cod, and rock fish. Tranell, Kristin, and Loretta went on two of the trips. There was a spot for me on one trip but it was 12 hours long and i couldn't go that long without nursing Trip. We also went on the Kenai Fjords tour where we got to see whales, sea lions, sea otters, and glaciers. Us girls checked out about every gift shop in the two towns we spents most of the time in. It was gorgeous to be in Alaska again and I was bummed to be the closest I probably will ever be to the lodge I worked at and not able to make it there. All in all it was a good time and very beautiful, but it's nice to be back and have my kids on a schedule again!! Cooper slept until 10am Monday morning!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had such a fun trip. That is so awesome that the whole family got to go!!! It looks like such a beautiful place!!! your boys are so dang cute!!!

Unknown said...

The pictures are great, except for the bear of course. Looks like so much fun. Thank You, Thank You for the fish. It was amazing. Nathan cooked up the halibut. It was So GOOD. I couldn't believe how good it tasted. Thanks again.

Meggs said...

That looks like so much fun. I am so jealous you got to get away. My fav. is that bathroom sign too funny.

Jen said...

I am jealous. It is so HOT here!! If you need somewhere to store your fish, give me a call. We will eat it all up!

-Chad and Tiffanie Childress- said...

Oh my Gosh! We are so jealous! I have been dying to go back to Alaska. Maybe after the baby comes and things settle down we will go. BTW if you ever need to find a home for the fish, you know where to send it! :) anyway looks like you guys had fun and the kids are so cute!