Well now that it's October it's cool enough to go outside as long as you do it before 9:30am. So Cooper and I have been going on walks and to the park in the morning. Since he hasn't gone to the playground really he is kind of timid, but is mastering the slide. He loves watching the other kids. He tries to keep up with the older kids. I have learned a couple things about Cooper this week. 1-he hates the heat. The second he starts to get to warm he is done playing. He may have been born in Airzona but I think deep down he knows he is a true Colorado baby. If I go for a walk and the sun is on him he gets cranky and gets all happy when we are back in the air conditioning. When it's cloudy and cool he will play outside all day!! 2 - he loves playing with other kids. When other kids are around he really doesn't even care I am around. 3- He's not a daredevil ,yet, He is active and likes to play non-stop, but I don't have to worry about him climbing to high or getting close to edges. 4- He's not a fan of repetition. You know how when most babies learn something new they do it over and over. Not Cooper. He says da da, but not everytime he sees Tyrel, he will point to his eyes, nose, mouth, but one time and he is ready to move on. He likes to do patty cake maybe twice in a row if I am lucky. He doesn't focus on one activity for too long. It's almost like he gives me glimpses of what he can do as if to say "don't worry mom I'm on track, I'm not behind, I'm learning, but I got better things to do." I am loving learning Cooper's personality. So far I can tell he is going to be very socialable, active, and involved, but not quite the leader. He will always want to be active and busy, but I don't think I will have to be always telling him to stop, or get out, or get down. We'll see if that changes!
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