Trip is already 9 1/2months old! I can't believe it. He has his 9mo well check and I don't remember everything, but I know this:
weight: 19Ib
heights: 28"
head: 70th percentile
He has two bottom teeth -6mo old
Crawls- 6 1/2mo
Working on top teeth
Loves to smile and laugh at everyone
Walks along things
Sleep a lot!!! (wakes up at 8am, two 2-3hr naps,goes to bed at 6:30-7pm)
Tries his hardest to keep up with Cooper
Is always kicking his left leg (or as Tyrel always says he is kick starting his dirt bike, Cooper did the same thing)
If you ask where is daddy he will look right at Tyrel everytime.
Also as you will notice in his picture he has one sock on. He always takes one off and chews on it.
He is such a joy in our lives. He is a such a happy and content little boy. He can always put a smile on your face. Cooper can't wait for him to get older. Cooper tells me he wants Cooper to big and strong so he can wrestle with him!!
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3 years ago
Cute place! That is awesome that you get to go with him and have such cozy accomodations.
Love that he only has one sock on. So cute!
How can he possibly be that old?????? WOW! That flew by hu?
I can't believe that your baby is already 9 months old. Time flys by. He is such a cutie!
He's a cutie. I'm glad for all the posts I get to see to keep up with you. I don't always leave a comment but I do check. Life looks like it's going great for you!!
Wow I cannot believe he is already that old. Where has time gone? The condo your staying at looks super cute. That is awesome his work got it for you guys. I just feel so bad for you because I know you just want to settle down and not move again. Hopefully so soon you will be in your own place and no more moving.
He is one cute kid!!!
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