Friday, June 20, 2008

Camping Trip

Well Tyrel found out Tuesay morning that he had Tuesday and Wednesday off because they need him to work Sat and Sun. So we decided to take a drive out this this lake aroud Flagstaff and let Cooper play in the water. While we were out playing we decided hey lets go camping so around 4:30pm we ran back home about 30min away, packed up our camping gear and headed back to a nearby campground. Cooper had a blast. We couldn't get him to sleep at all. He finally fell asleep at 11:30pm and that is because Tyrel strapped him in his carseat until he fell asleep. He was so happy, got dirty, and did not want to leave. He had fun helping dad get the fire started, put up the tent, and explore the woods. He favorite thing to do was climb all the rocks. We thought he would never settle down. Little Trip also did great. We bundled him up and had him sleep in his car seat so he was well insulated. I love little family time and I am glad we were able to be spontaneous and do something like that.


Kristin Ross said...

How fun. I love camping. Why haven't we done that yet?

Kami said...

You are brave to take a newborn camping! It is nice to go somewhere just by yourselves and luckily you are close to plenty of camping!

Jen said...

Looks like a fun trip! It is hot here. I already miss the cool mountains! here is my address: We can keep in touch that way!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun!!! The boys are so cute and cooper looks like he was totally dad's little helper!! Are you guys going to come to Pagosa then for the 4th???