Sunday, September 22, 2013

Aunt Tranell comes for a visit June 2013

In June aunt tranell came for a short visit while Mo was out of town.  We had a blast getting to see her and my kids of course always love to see her!!

Rodeo Time May 2013

We had a blast going to the Rodeo here this year! Peyton was completely mesmorized by the girls barrel racing.  She talks non-stop about get a fast horse with a rope and cowgirl clothes and that we are to come watch her.  My boys loved all of it and have decided they are going to practice team roping together!!  It was a fun night!!

Rowdy"s 7 months old June 2013

Trip turns 5!! May 2013

Trip had a great birthday by going bowling with his friend Jake, his brother D.J., cousins Jayton and Colby, grandma and grandpa and family.  We then went to Jimmer's Backcountry BBQ for dinner and cake and presents!!  Trip is a wonderful kid.  He can be a little more reserved, but is our family clown, and can work harder than any kid I know his age. Give him a project or a chore and he exceeds expectations.  He loves to be a helper.  Unlike his siblings he does not like to be center of attention and will do anything for his dad!!

Soccer and Baseball! Spring 2013

April and May were a blurr!!!  Soccer and baseball over-lapped. So it was pretty much everynight was soccer and then off to baseball.  Cooper got to do machine pitch this year and loved it!!  His team won the championship too.  I was also proud of him too because he was the youngest kid nominated for the all-star team.  I was impressed because a lot of the boys he played with had done machine pitch for two years all ready.  The machine pitched the ball 42mph.  And he played pretty much any position. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, short, outfield.  He tried catched a couple times but the first time he buised his hand pretty good and then when he decided to do it again the coach wasn't paying attention and fed the ball in the machine while he was standing up and it hit him in the thigh. But he loved every minute! Soccer was just the month of April and he finished it, but was in love with baseball!  Trip had a blast doing both soccer and tball.  We call him "wheels" because he is one quick kid!! He is so fun to watch run!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation May 2013

                                                Shaking hands with the principal Mr. Porter

Cooper's graduation was cute and too the point!!  His teacher introduced him as the most most competetive athletically, (which I am sure made his dad proud to hear).  This last picture is of him, Macey Smith, Emalie Miller, and Gideo Owen. We missed Corbin. But took a picture of all the kids from our ward that are in the same class. 

School Field Day May 2013

Cooper's school did a end of the year field day. As I was watching Cooper he came up to me to tell me that Cooper is super competetive. Well between me and his dad it's kind of in his blood!!

Cooper's habitat presentation April 2013

Cooper's class did a big presentation on the habitat's around here.  His class chose to focus on the mountain lion and even went outside to show us how fast it runs. 

Rowdy 6 months May 2013

New discroveries!! Food and feet!!  No growth stats because between being my fourth and switching insurances he has not had his well check

Wall pictures April 2013

So in the fall of 2012 I took pictures of the kids to hang on my wall and here I am in April of 2013 and they were not hung!! So by the time I was ready to hang them I had to re-do Peyton and Rowdy's because they had already changed so much.  Peyton was such a trooper, the wind was really cold!!  I just laugh at myself that this is the first time I have put individual pictures of my children on the wall!! I was looking at my wall one day thinking that family picture is not big enough. Then it dawned on me or I could put pictures of my children around it!! Yeah I am a little slow!! 

Cooper's Kindergarten Spring Cocert

Kindergarten didn't have music so in order for our kids to be in their spring concert my friend Deanne and I have a few practices to teach the kids "Do yours ear's hang low" and "BINGO". They were adorable!!

Easter 2013

Easter was a fun filled weekend of decorating eggs and hunting them on Saturday and then getting all dressed up for Easter Sunday!!  I had another Easter Egg hunt at my house Saturday morning.  We had a pretty good turn out this year and thankfully the weather was good!!