K so I finally have internet!!! YEAH!!! We are now living in Flagstaff, AZ It's quite pretty. After one week of being here we got like 10 inches of snow in 2 1/2 days. It has felt like Christmas in Arizone for the first time in the 3 Christmas' we have been here. With me being so pregnant sick we have got quite of the unpacking done, but I really haven't hung much on the walls are gotten as quite organized as I would like. We did put up our Christmas decorations though. Tyrel has been such a huge help, even though he is gone Mon-Fri, but when he is home it get's lots done!!
My internet acutally got hooked up Monday, but I have been in the hospital since Monday and finally got to come home today (Wednesday). They got my vomitting under control and my hydration up and I was worred they were going to keep me another night because today I threw up my Breakfast and Lunch at the hospital, but I told them I still wanted to go home. I had lost 15Ib and was clinically dehydrated. They call what I have hyper something ism. When you get as sick as I do. So they took it seriously and while in the hospital I gain 6Ib back. I am hoping to gain the rest on all the good Christmas food, even though I still can't eat much, but a little is more than nothing. I was bumbed I had to go to the hospital, but even though I am still puking I feel so much better. I am not shaking and as weak. Tyrel got to stay home all this time with Cooper, because as a blessing in disguise his work truck broke down Sunday night so he had to take his truck into the shop anyway. His truck was fixed as of yesterday, so really today was the only day that he missed work on account of me being in the hospital. It feels so good to be home escecially in our new place. I will post pictures tomorrow well of the outside and the family room (the only room decorated).
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